"Lost Universe" The best way I can describe "Lost Universe" is "Outlaw Star" meets "Slayers". "Lost Universe" was created by Hajime Kanzaka the creator of "Slayers". Basically "Lost Universe" is what could be know as "Slayers in Space". Most of the team that was involved in "Slayers" is also involved in "Lost Universe" This includes producer, Yumiko Yazaki, Director Takashi Watanabe, and character designs by Naomi Miyata. The series also consists of most of the old cast as well, including Megumi Hayashibara, Hikaru Midorigawa, Masami Suzuki and Mifuyu Hiragi. The plot to "Lost Universe" is fairly typical to a lot of anime with a Sci-fi genre. The main character Kain Blueriver, is what's known as a "trouble contractor". Meaning that he's a freelance mercenary and a jack of all trades. Most of the jobs that he gets however, are the ones the no one else will take. He is accompanied by Canal, a holographic image of the ships main computer. (Shades of Star Trek Voyager, in here). Kain is an easily likeable character. He wears a cape that seams to be a running gag on the show. (Everyone makes fun of him for wearing it and he is extremely sensitive about that) and carries what's known as a psi-blade (cought*starwarsripoff*cough) a light sword that apparently requires a good amount of mental strength in order to use. His ship is known as the "Sword Breaker" and is apparently a "Lost Ship" meaning that it breaks all laws of psychics and comes from a lost civilization. (According to Kain it was his grandmothers). Kain and Canal then run into Milly, a young detective whose main goal in life is to be "The best in the universe". Milly is later on fired from her job and she insists that she be allowed to travel with Kain and Canal. (Much to Canal's dismay). The other main characters so far in the series are Rail Claymore a member of the universal guardians (aka space police), who looks like a reincarnation of Xelloss. And his assistant Nina, (she's mostly there to spill hot beverages on him). The interesting part about "Lost Universe"" is how the characters bear a strong resemblance to the characters in "Slayers"" Kain is a male version of Lina Inverse with Gourry's sword of light, not only does Rail look like Xelloss but he tends to act like him as well (he's usually is responsible for putting the Sword Breaker's crew into most of the messes that their in.) So far "Lost Universe" seams like a good catch, the plot is fairly interesting, the characters are funny and the animation is decent. On one note however, I noticed that ADV has reconstructed the opening credits. Personally I see no real reason for them to do this. True in "Brain Powered" they changed the opening credits on the dub, but that's probably because the original opening credits had a bunch of naked women flying around. (This is "Brain Powered" don't ask) Having seen the original opening to "Lost Universe", I can assure you that there are no naked women flying around and there is no good reason to alter it. (The didn't even bother to have a "Clean" version like they did with "Nadesco" or "BGC 2040"). There is however on major problem. The dubbing. I'm not a typical dub hater and at times I don't have the money to shell out an extra ten bucks. Don't get me wrong though, I LOVED the seiyuu from "Slayers", Even though Software Sculptors has made a lot of mistakes, I am forever grateful that they released "Slayers" subtitled at the same price as the dub (only 20 bucks! Yippee!). Unfortunately "Lost Universe" was picked up by ADV and they're a bunch of meanies who charge $30 for a subtitled episode. I didn't have the money to buy it subtitled (I has used it to by the "Revolutionary Girl Utena" DVD). But I've always liked the ADV dubs and so I figured it couldn't be that bad (my worst fear was that they'd use Spike Spencer as Kain). Unfortunately the video had been dubbed by Monster Island, and it was pretty bad. (Monster Island seams to be connected with ADV now). Personally I liked Kain's voice, he had a lot of energy and sounded young but not whinny. As well as very friendly. Kain however has the only VA that is actually decent to listen to. Milly's VA was extremely annoying, she has THE most screachest voice sense Lisa Oritz and I DON'T mean that in a good way. The way she kept screaming about being the "Best in the Universe" was quiet painful. For Canal I have mixed feelings, her voice was fine (she sounds a lot like a little girl when she talks) , but the way she presented it was what fell short (She-would-take-in-this-sorta-monotone-voice-with-no-protral-of-emotions) There are some good moments in there though when Canal does sound very cute and at times funny. Nina was on for to short a time to actually get a good opinion of but she sounds alright. Rail however was one of my major disappointments. I figure it would be typical that if Xelloss had a horrible VA then his look-a-like would have a bad VA as well. First off let me get one thing strait. I LOVE Hikaru Midorigawa's voice. He talks in this very soft but not unemotional tone. He did Zelgadis in "Slayers" and he also does Rail in this show. The VA's version of Rail is just bad. He has this Texas accent, and while I'm not usually against the VA's with accents (Andrew Klimko has an obvious Texas accent and he's quickly becoming one of my favorite VA's), this one is just bad, he lacks any character for Rail and make it sound like he got lost on his way to the "King of the Hill" recording studio. Personally I think maybe Software Sculptors should've grabbed this one. They could've released the subs as the same price as the dubs and they also could've had the "Slayers" VA's do the same characters as the "Slayers" seiyuu did. Rachel Lillis could do Milly, Veronica Taylor could do Nina, Crispin Freemen could do Rail (I actually think he'd be good at him) and Lisa Ortiz could do Canal *shudders upon that idea* then again... At least they could've done the ADV studios for the VA's at least that way it would be listenable; I had even planned out a list of VA's for the group. Bret Weaver could do Kain. Tiffany Grant could do Milly, Kira could to Canal, Jason Douglas could do Rail and Jessica Calvalo could to Nina. There, ADV I spared you some time, get out there and re-cast everyone. In conclusion I'd only recommend "Lost Universe" if you get the sub, even with the sub its no "Cowboy Bebop" or anything revolutionary like that, but it is a lot of entertaining fun. Grade: B (with dub C+)